Monday, February 28, 2011

Sister Boobs Touching

Manga & Anime: It seems reasonable. Another comic

Aaah! Long! Mina, gomen-Nasa'i! I say this in Japanese because that is precisely the post today. What is the most fun in Japan (a part of cosplay, lolita dresses, strange food, sake, the geisha, the hentai ... Oh, perverts!)? Tod @ s know ... manga and anime! Yes, sir! And yes, okay ... I know, not that it is a very carefully worked but I have more time to blog and put in jeopardy if another post soon (Sincerity above all, please, haha). I also know that long without talking about books ... just comics, comics and more comics. So this is my blog and I'm sorry aguantáis and try to compensate. But for now let some of the more reasonable like the history of manga and anime. Sayonara, baby.
Well ... I will start with having to hand ...

and Solomon Saya Blood + and (below) Haruhi and Tamaki from Ouroan High School Host Club.

Soubi Lovel and Kaien Cross from Vampire Knight (you can not deny that look ...)

ichi Shiki from Togainu no Kuroshistuji and Sebastian Michaelis. (Otakus in the world! Is my impression, or seems that since I became famous Kuroshitsuji many characters look like Sebastian ... o_O '?

And speaking of Kuroshitsuji and the like, what you think about this equation?: Sebastian Michaelis + = Claude William T. Spears Faustus, all from the same series!

In fact, there are occasional parody ...

continue with the equations: Dr. Allen Walker of Gray Man + Zero of Vampire Knight = X (Sai) in Nougami Neuro.

Lawrence Spice and wolf and Sasazuca of Nougami Neuro.

Well, the post remained fairly short . (
Over time I will put more like reasonable, but I am afraid that no interest (or at least not for non-otaku people).
In this regard, and no dates for Intenational Salon XVI Comic GR: 10-13 March in FERMASA (Armilla), for more information please visit: http://www.saloncomicgranada. com /
I as always, I'll be there and I will inform you of the environment and new developments in comics and manga.
We read!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sample Confidentiality Clause Bylaws

How to enter the Empire Under

Hello, today I did a stage show as conceived in underground battles.
imagined it would go into the dark, humid and polluted "Under Empire" and what resulted was more or something like this:

To shape the central structure of a cave made of thick cardboard skeleton glued with PVA and give strength galvanized wire, which resists enough to avoid deform under the weight of the sand.
As I mentioned the skeleton of the structure is coated with a mixture of volcanic sand + PVA. A volcanic sand is coarser than beach sand and that's perfect when it comes to painting. The reliefs are much more rugged.

cardboard to cover the sand and PVA started by the weakest areas and let it dry before covering the rest of the model.

I took the anti-rust primed for Marson to facilitate the adhesion of acrylic paint, but also gave him a wash primer color Woodland land to make it look damp and dimly lit (like a cave!).

poisonous mushrooms in the ceramics used in cold, but always with a telephone wire skeleton. To give texture to the mushroom I used PVA-bonded sand, and looks like an Amanita .
acquire their poisonous fungi look thanks to the painting: the thallus is painted Japanese Uniform (Coat d'arms) and blue asurmen ( Citadel), mushroom For its part is colored orange solar Macharius (Citadel) and ink wash network (Coat d'arms). Finally warts are poison purple color (Coat d'arms).
As my main inspiration for this scenery was the mysterious realm of the Skaven could not miss warpstone crystals certainly abundant in this cave. The jewelry made from destroyed with a hammer: D The lights are painted green scorpion with a bit of bone (both Coat d'arms).


Then I leave some pictures with a Skink to have some sense of the scale.

To end this long post, thank Nesbet by the slideshow of the battle between Lemon and where hiso Eathalad premiere this scenery.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Imitation Southsea Pearl Necklace


Elevated Bilirubin Ldh And Ast

Hurry, hurry! they wake up.
The daffodils are opening in the garden, today February 20 I had to run and get the camera .... I almost did not, and why go for days warning.

The narcissus flower breaks through thorns.
despite his delicate petals of rain fell during the night, look gorgeous, your friend does not harm the rose bush.
daffodils in the garden marked an important date to
Today is the birthday of Meige BELIN
and to celebrate, to become Birolo
The Garden celebrates birthday a good Fairy who visit.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Motorcycle Blueprints

Welcome to the jungle!

long time ago, during my first foray into the WH decided to dedicate part of my time to make scenery. The army I chose was the perfect inspiration to start my first serious project scenery and when I bought the book Lustria campaign I found many good ideas to materialize: what a great book! and not only for lizards, 95% of the ideas and concepts of the book is applicable to any entry in WH, independent of race you play. The background of course is another matter.
Jurassic I created a version of what would be a jungle Lustria the continent from tropical lizard-men, with big ferns and lots of shrubs and wild-looking plants.

To give life to each of the bases with scenery used artificial aquarium plants adapted according to my needs, there are plants made of broom bristles. Some plants were mounted on giant ferns and other on the surface directly.

giant ferns was made with sisal, PVA and telephone wire. This skeleton is covered with paper mache. the base is coated with a mixture of sand and PVA.

Lustria In the jungles of plants can not only find ... there are ruins and skeletons.

The ruins are made of rubber eva, one that is used as packaging, and dinosaur skeletons are plastic toys unarmed primed and painted like a mini either. To cover the cardboard base used sand + PVA.

For priming, use an anti-rust primer iron structures. Acrylic paint adheres well no matter what brand it is.

Primer mark "Marson."

The skeleton of the dinosaur is the first hints of "bone."

To appreciate the scale I leave these images with a Skink.
