Tuesday, May 18, 2010

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Homer Simpson phrases

We bring a collection of 200 phrases of Homer Simpson in mp3 format for the download to your cell and you put a tone to each individual.
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Here 's written all the phrases that are to look at them and then listen:
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-El Puerco This
In The Pigsty -Tarapatin tirintintin, Tarapatin tirintintin
-spiderpig, spiderpig! Does whatever spiderpig does!
Spider-Pig, Spider pig, evil attacks with its web-Springfield
not have an anthem, but we thought that if ... Ambulance
-shit ...
"Here's the alcohol, the cause and solution to all problems of life ...
-Beer .. A solution tempral ...
, my God. Dance with a gay ...
-I in charge of security? This plant could fly ...
"Hello, is Al there? Yes, his name is Colico ...
-Happy Birthday Lisa ..
"All the school ... I do not want
to be like that awful visit to the prison ..
-Master I'm the one who opened that door ...
"Better to remain silent and be taken for a fool to say something and remove doubts ..
"To start press any key ... What is everyone?
"The city is besieged by a vandal who signs as El Barto ...
not scream "Hey Homer, just a little slow ..
-Ahaa .. said something wrong, it was that was .. Do not yell at Homer, nono, that was good ...
"You know Marge, I like cold beer, strong TV and homosexuals .. crazy crazy ..
-I should have brought a TV. hayyy as foreign television ... "We
arguing that one who loves you more ..
you want more ..
"No, your ..
-Toreador, hot weather, empepas sweat and smell bad ...
.. Wedo .. (The Magic)
-Forget Marge, this is Chinatown
- Ouch Homer (32 different)
-slices of cheese (64)
"They're all a
" Hello?
-Con Marge please ..
-Who calls?
a false name - Homer Simpson .. ouch
"I called you then I don sweeper is who I am ..
! Ouch!
"You're ugly like my warts!
-Making .. grow .. sewing .. nixon .. Comet ..
"They're my children belong to me ..
.. Monorail ..
-Mono .. ouch!
"My love is the sea .. I do not want to kill you but if you make me ... Pq
-alkyl think the police academy movies. pordiversion, for me, I did not hear anybody laughing .. only by that of losruidos ...
-Questions? Questions? hayyy my whole plan will collapse ..
"And now you would Homer Thompson of Lake of terror.
"The only danger would be to send us to that terrible planet of lossimios ... Moment .. -Statue of Liberty .. was our planet, stupid maniac, it ruined everything, "Damn you! SEANTODOS DAMN! uauajajajaujuajaujau .. jauauajauajuua ... "I want another cartaamigo,, Joker? I had to take that away from the rod ..
"Oh sorry, here's another ..
"Then he said .. if you want your money so come by ...
boy-see the money in smuggling and banditry or your child ...
-mail .. correspondence ...
"I am the captain and my son is Bart ..
"I wont go back to drinking beer ..
Dame 10!
-Holaaa, yeah? flavor? where are you?
"I come to India?
-No ... Pope
.. I borrow 183 thousand dollars ..
"Aha .. for what?
-To fund a series of cartoons ..
"Well .. forget it!
"There are of course makes a sweet little love and lulling sound of the sea ...
"You know my children very much and admire you because of your lujubre music, finally stopped dreaming of a future that I can not give ..
"This is going to get ugly ...
"No it will not come a vegetarian .. "There
Homer and Marge are your cousins?
"Well, I am not a professional but an excellent imitation of
Columbo -" Ahaa ... among other things .. (cough) I'm going for a glass of water ... "
-Homer: Owen Mowen, Mowen owen, owen Mowen ..
-Tony: Do not do that ...
-Homer Compumundohipermegared, Homer Simpsons junior vice president to serve in that we serve? Your sister ...
-Homer: Do not pretend they are not home, we want golocinas!
-Lisa: Dad, it's our home ...
-Homer: She's a witch ..!
-Lisa: Ahaaaaaaaa ...
-Grandfather: Homer are dumb as a stone and ugly as blasphemy if a stranger offers take you step ...
-Homer: Damn childhood traumas
-Apu: Sorry, not alcansas for both ...
-Homer: Uuuu .. uu .. uu .. .. uuuoouuou Chupelupe ...
-Homer: I love Saturdays There really are so relaxing, not like the fake Saturday that almost make me run ...
"And now if I will not touch anything ... ahaaa .. uu .. no touch, no tocarnada .. I should not play. I do not play ... haaay .. I'm a moron ... aplasteun fish ...
I am not a man of prayer, but if you're in heaven, please save me Superman ...
-Marge: You've signed for me many times ...
-Homer: But this is not a loan application or a will, hasentregado my dignity and I will recover ... I have the pantalonespuestos Lisa?
-Homer: Kids, I'm going to have another bad man ... Cabellolargo and had the strange ideas and he does not wise because eraextraño people said that, the man was named .. ah .. eh ... I forgot, but the casoes that ... I forgot too ... Marge you know what I mean elque had a blue car ...
-Homer: Hey that is important to enter a building every Sunday?, God is everywhere ..
-How much the weekend?
"I did not understand the movie, the police knew internal affairs were tricked?
-Homer: Marge, where this ... the adviniculo ... metal ... to ... food ...?
Hayy .. I do not understand a word he says, why not just dejabatear me ... would be at home with a bag of chips .. mmm.patatas friiitas ...
"If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours ...
"Boys this is the greeting of the civil police .. now .. I'm codename Fox 1, "Skinner Fox 8, Fox 12 and Moe Barney Fox 1 ...
-Where is my burger? Where's my burger? .. ouchh ...
Reward ... -
"We must be desperate to do it with a robot ...
-Homer: Do not bother the dead child ... have dark powers ..
"You're a woman guapote knows? if I were not married saldriacon you so ... There .. mm .. Please forgive me, not going to say bitter, I love you so much .. hoyy .. see a dime ...
-are 100% cotton and look how well cooked the "slug"
.. I have 26 hours of delay no time for Maggie .. Waldo DondeEsta uu .. no .. no .. would be easier without all those people .. no .. no .. hayy .. there is no ..
Marge .. "Well mmm .. Maggie was a baby, we had not grown fond .. noo ..
-Ah. that life is very good .. mmm .. can you believe .. hahaha .. and .. well .. let's try I will confront these evil elves ... Ouch
-Homer (32).
-Mmm ... Chocolate ...
-Bart calls Moe ...
-Homer are you talking about Professor Frink? here says that they are on, look encendidoooss.
-Ahaa. all costs a pretty penny these days .. bibliaque look at this purchase, $ 15, and I do not like the sermons .. Everything is a sinner elmundo least he wrote the book ..
-Wiggum: Let's put it this way, my friend is called Cash is king, has seen some Cash is Here? "There
according to your all is cruel ... chained in the yard is cruel .. cruel tail pull you, shout in the ears is cruel, cruel ties everything to ... sorry for being so cruel ...
"Maybe you can go through 5 stages .. The first is to deny ..
"And because there are no pictures ...?
-Ahaa .. If photos .. I have them where you need them most ..
- "DO IT" Maggie
"You know, when a child starts talking start fighting ... would never learn ..
-The Saints were a crap last night, all crap, I've seen muchasbazofias but these are the highest among the swill swill ...
"There is clear, if I'm making people happy, I'm the happiness fairy dela magical, fantastic country I come from the felicidaaad ...
.. He just I have sacrificed a lot for you .. I will go to clown school ...
-Homer: There's something missing ... uuu .. one of the turkeys left behind out of bed ...
.. I'll take it .. not have it in yellow? "There
Pope Homer, you're a scholar ...
-Hehehe .. eructito son pronounce eructito ..
-Pope, Tom I remember when China was the key and you yelled "I am a hemophiliac" and when you let go kicked him from behind?
"Listen to my family there are 5 people .. Marge, Bart, the ninia Bart, who never spoke and the fat guy .. as contempt ..
"I'm tired of your lies .. Secrets and lies ... secrets and lies always
"From this moment I will be known as Homer Jay Simpson ...
-Sono, sono, sono .. call me Moe's bar, in that good place, I like to drink alcohol ..
"When I drink beer I do not understand, because everything goes round and round ...
-Wife, children Bartolomeo, Lisa .. aha .. Watch all of this is bad .. who the hell is Margaret Simpson ..?
"Do not press .. remember .. it is better to remain silent and be taken for a fool that open your mouth and remove doubts ..
"And when a woman says everything's wrong, it means all ändamål. And when a woman says something's not funny, you better note laugh!
-The sum of the square roots of both sides of an isosceles triangle equals the square root of the left side ...
- Coconut! You have to wall up the windows! I'll get the gun! ... Bart, I do not want to scare you, but maybe the coconut ... The coconut is in laccase!
"Well it all depends on you .. if you do not find that it's lost forever bitter .. - The dessert, dessert, dessert, dessert, elpostre, dessert, dessert, dessert, dessert ...- Well .. peroluego work ...
"Keep child playing at war .. prescencia without a man in laccase you can become effeminate in a second .. Aishh .. this fat, nose removed.
"That tree has been in Springfield since it was founded .. return it or throw the gate and take it ...
-Son .. if you look into my eyes and tell me you did not take money from the charity .. is all I need ...
not hang .. Alo? speaks louder than I have a towel.
"And I will not rest until I eat a sausage ...
-Homer, this is a cemetery ..
-sausage, sausage ... take your sausages ..
-Uuuy. to good places. As I fancy a sausage ..
-Homer .. This is an operation ..
-sausage, sausage .. warm.
"It's not that serious. my divorce was hard for my son but .. exceeded what I sleep in a drawer .. ...
"I have cajoled with his melodious siren .. Hayyy. Sacone that wave!
-Maude: Ned, if not disconnect the phone going to sleep outside on the grass!
-Homer: Shut up already, damn !!!!. Let sleeping neighbor
"You're ready? and nothing but the shoes ...
chicken "There are more fortunate of the world ....
"It's useless .. the mind more powerful than we found .. Ah
heard of Krishna consciousness .. "Look Bart
this is crazy!
Fishing, Nananananana Fishing, Fishing, Fishing ...
"Hey, like this? ...
-Fishing ... Dame
the bat, give me that bat, give me that bat, gimme, gimme the bat, the bat, the bat .. damelo-yaaa .. hahaha. haha .. haaaaaaaaa ..
-q seems in good spirits these potato ..
"There is that can resolve a small problem today .. and to celebrate I'm going to tilt my chair ..
"Mmm .. Chuecoo ..
"My old mule is not what it was, and not what it was, no longer what it was ..
"And now the crazy old group
" I will be more friendly, then I will embrace some snakes if I'm going to embrace and kissing a poisonous snake! is that sarcasm
-Let me go, no, I'm naked and wet ...
"As you have no guarantee, I'll break your legs in advance
" The day that I vomited stronger and change my life forever
. someone plugs the toilet ..
"I refuse to share a bed with someone who thinks I'm crazy .. unless you feel travesilla ..
-A cake on the floor .. ahaaa .. uuaauu .. haaa ..
"Just a little air still serving, still serves
-Jazz, all invented and is coming out, even I can, tiririririri ririri ririri
" If you want to keep his memory I recommend a tattoo .. as this group vocal stars, starlets group! was unclean
hey, tararararara, tarararara hey, tararararara
"That disgusts me joy enough, I think I'll give you a lesson" I'm
Humberto Velez, left the message, leave a message!
-Are you ready to laugh?
-Use in well ventilated areas ..
"And it's going to get the dog?
"I vote because our shampoo back to the old glass bottle, then I became a
" Then I go to a sect now called shabubu ..
"I'm a santuron idiot and I get the same sweater every day
" I'm just very sweet and
I do not understand, the last fat man went nuts in 15 minutes
"Now you know what to do, burn the whole house, burn them all ..
"The congul also is cursed .. that bad .. you choose the cover .. that good .. "Dear Homer
owe you a firm emergency thread Homer
" Here are great snacks but five dollars!? them to leave the devil ..
"Let's see .. fumense now this ...
-already .. I build a kennel .. I just made a plane
-removing rock of shame and put it the stone of triumph
-tickets should not be eaten .. you see, for me now warn ..
.. because flanders is a pelmaso, so apelmasa
"Do not you hear, have broken shoes .. poor shepherds, broken shoes .. Homer
-please do not want you to eat this cake
"Hi I'm George Harrison Homer ..
nails of the devil "Damn my panties
-Marge, I just realized that I am the Ahoo .. a word ahoooora ..
"In the jungle riding a monster Homer is happy
" I do not do that well off at
-What kind of stupid so called .. such .. I am the number one
-plan the trip on a raft of parents and children
-if? how long you do not have babies ...
-Cai .. no pai .. Cai .. PAII not .. hahaha .. no pai.
"You know me Marge, I like cold beer on TV loud and crazy mad gay ..
-What if I take a shower and I slip the soap .. there are DUIs would kill me! ..

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