Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Soul Silver Heart Gold Anti Freeze Patch Us


When we say that any past was better, certainly our experience assures us that the memory of that says it has 100% failed the 80 ...

hope of heart failure to comply with the maxim that fashion is cyclical, because then I'm sorry but at this photocooleras gives them a bad ... who imagines our celebrities in this manner? .. .

This is another volume of A Heavy ... After this time, sorry Martha, but it has touched you ... you've earned more than ... Because in our country there are also "Celebritis Chic" this is a reminder to fashion it set in our country several years ago ... (So \u200b\u200bwe left all ...)... See and judge:

the 5 Perhaps the most notable is the gentleman (who has all the earmarks of being called Sr.Rodriguez) located in 2nd place from the right ... pants clips, pens in his pocket, glasses ... Why remarkable? Because it is the only one that matched the trend of the XXI century English fashion, we each day we passed a man dressed like 1475, and in the year 2008! This hombre es un gurú de la moda.

Que decimos nosotras, Marta, cielo, vale que te gustara reciclar...pero los "abrechungo" de las latas de refresco no tiene por qué hacer honor a su nombre para ponérselo en el vestido como pedrería decorativa de Sgüarroski...

Tras mirarla fijamente a los ojos durante 2 minutos...(NOTA: los ojos son los de encima de los tirantes, los primeros según bajas del pelo rubio) se nos ha ocurrido muchas cosas que podían estar pasando por su cabeza en esos momentos (nos lo pusiste fácil Marth...agarrada a esos dos...a esos dos.... A ESOS DOS, and now) it was clear that your head just might be crossing an idea ... at this time was forging the outline of Soldiers of Love (Marti caught you) ...

Well this is a clear example of how Christmas trees are timeless, amodal and high (or is that Marti will be low ...?).

DIORRRRR BY THE LOVE! Do not know where to focus our attention .. maybe where is setting it? ... Think about it ...

The truth is that despite Marti PhotoCool leading back to your face ... good friends has not improved much eh, or that, or was sulking because she was dressed that day of Marge Simpson and friends forced to pose such (in USA: the cuchipandi)

UY UY UY believe that someone has gone through the secadoooor ... That cosmopolitan than most fashion PhotoCool la Castellana in the background ... .. and English on the front page (like the naked maja it poses to us ... so we got us to No. 1, Toccata).

is clear from this snapshot of the boat Chanquete cuchipandi who commanded in it? ... Other than that, we are convinced that the gentleman on the right, a two, or you queasy waves or points from the left (this is a new case of recycling, this time from a ruffled dress .... Blessed 80s).

PhotoCool example in photo booth (for connoisseurs photomatoon) ...

Poor esque turned green with envy when his companion (and also friend) said that the tie que llevaba pintada era el último grito (de horror) en los united estates.

Madre de Dios, ¿pero quién le ha hecho el liftin al de la izquierda, el mismo que a la Duquesa de Alba?, y al de la derecha ¿quién le dijo que dijo que la moda MadMAx era eso, moda?, y al que le cubre los escotex a Marti, ¿como se puede posar tan cuqui cuqui?...Marti, merece la pena que digamos nada esta vez de tu modeli....tas estupenda chati (ejem...).

" TCHIN TCHIN, con afflelu...a no que esto no era asi, ¿no?"...

(Eye with the "Rubona" \u200b\u200bthe brow of the glasses ...)

" Digamelón ?" PhotoCool
This poses us as muse to the success of "Today I can not lift" of Mecano ....

T Marti flush this meeting came up with the title of his next hit: Desperate.

There are pictures worth a thousand words ... here teaching us such vowels Sesame Street ...

modelis Here we have two, one for the day (inspired by Coyote Dax ... this girl was also a visionary eye to the belt ... if you were right here ...) and one for the night. We stayed the night without dudadrlo, because if we're lucky, goes dark, and we do not see the style cabaret (special mention to last row. Good and the first good y. ..)

Here we have posed in the rest of recording the first chapter of The Wright Stuff, we looked at our files and we know on good authority that the first chapter was in those years (Maybe in summer we put those blond locks brown ... unless, that is the eyebrows ... oops!)

With these images we close the tour Mona-Graph of the 80 Marta Sanchez ...

In the first we see her in a tribute to Manolete, the second messenger that his photo was also used for the pages to find a boyfriend, kind Match (as we continued to be visionary) and the third wanted to take the sanbenitos of Sexy and decided to take a session on a PhotoCool released by La Casa del Libro (after this picture began his metamorphosis ...)



(Eye to traserillo of India that round along with Alaska, maybe it has been in the head what should go in the waist? .. .)


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