Thursday, January 31, 2008

Can You Pop A Syphilis Sore Like An Ingrown Hair


Well well .... we got to the critical point that she (said by Sister 1) like it (said by Sister 2) feared .....

We have been nominated by our photocoolera Iria for do our ... (Beat ...)...¡ TACHAAANNN !.... FIRST MEME (applause) ...


We like the risk and bungee jumping (but Brooklyn) as laaargaaa night after a meeting we decided, by consensus, to answer (with a bit of humor ... because we are worth it ! but all with loooong sincerity) to some of the questions that haunt the head of our celebrities photocooleras Internet ... here we go (not to reveal the whole mystery ... we have done together, because we symbiosis, no, no is a brand of yoghurt type "Actimel" although it could be .. mmmmm ....).

Well as we come:

... nice is that we are invited to this meme, which sorpresón more good! strikes us that our blog has this buenisima welcomed, hopefully we can share good times waaaaay with you all.
Buf the Hedgehog (on TV, the insurance ... we do not want published ... JIJI) puts us as your back hair, TO HORROR THAT WILL RESTRICT THE CONTRACT NOW.
This gives us in secret shame hehehe (you know passing the mouse over it, selecting): a massage, a good cocktail, a streptos (not to be confused with "estriste ") a few cute guys whose names omit ... holiday in the Caribbean ... in short, not much ...
What we loose the shoes every time we see is ... our Chuchin! .. But how cute is that ... .. iiiiiiiiii us ate (once the "threatened" to do salchichillas with him and was crying poor to see it ...)
See who share laughs with us in our PhotoCool (THANKS!).
loneliness, injustice, intolerance, often the reality, pain, PH outfits, disappointment, a sad movie, a good joke, our homemade imitation Chiquito de la Calzada (this does not get out of here), the latter one episode of "Britney Life" ... we are very weepy ...
Buf, clams and other seafood viscous, smelly, some attractions and Port Avetura, Aramis Fuster ...
WHAT BRINGS Unhappiness
PEOPLE program, but only the portion of Events ...¡¿ THE WORLD IS GOING CRAZY OR WHAT?! (The Society of the program that Mantega antenna TV lords please , gives us much food for our humble
PhotoCool ... WHAT WE HURT
Where is
drives our world ... the poor care with nature, animal abuse, sexism and gender violence, war, racism, the haughtiness of some social classes, terrorism, ......................¿ arms Where is it going our world?
laaargooooo We have a list, but simplifying: from the point where we are now ... improve on what is (always positive, never negative ...) and all our improvement involves (as a side effect) improved and those who want to surround us
our God
! ... this critical moment in which we must look if we better the previous year's bikini ... horrible, horrible, we shed tears of thinking ...
The one to the other
All our dreams and desires (which are muuuchooosss) by focusing a bit .. mmmm ... be happy every day. We also want to reach that pot of chocolate cookies that climbed the heights to avoid temptation and keep the line ...
February 14 ... yes, so simple and complicated, are romantic but we do out of our materialistic and commercial fields that day ... because Valentine's is all day, unite! (But some will fall gift ... LOL)
On Friday afternoon AH! and the Oscars
Noooosooootraaaas "? Never lie! (Ale, there's the answer ... each to interpret as suits you .. hehe)
"Parents ".... Forced moníiiiiiiisiiimasssss went out, what if?

Well .. this is! Now you know our profile a little pink ... And now, Cruella De Vil as (we put our best clothes) touches you to nominate the next to be launched bridge (San Francisco) ....( drum roll), our meme is aimed a. .... Vogue , Alizia and Parisamigas (that long ago we did not know it), Hilton Parish (although we doubt that what we said we answer ... The agenda was sooo tight, and his pants) and ... mmmmmmmm ... Deluxe (we apologize if we repeat ... we novatillas these worlds ...)

Attached photo of our galas for Nominations Meme:

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Soul Silver Heart Gold Anti Freeze Patch Us


When we say that any past was better, certainly our experience assures us that the memory of that says it has 100% failed the 80 ...

hope of heart failure to comply with the maxim that fashion is cyclical, because then I'm sorry but at this photocooleras gives them a bad ... who imagines our celebrities in this manner? .. .

This is another volume of A Heavy ... After this time, sorry Martha, but it has touched you ... you've earned more than ... Because in our country there are also "Celebritis Chic" this is a reminder to fashion it set in our country several years ago ... (So \u200b\u200bwe left all ...)... See and judge:

the 5 Perhaps the most notable is the gentleman (who has all the earmarks of being called Sr.Rodriguez) located in 2nd place from the right ... pants clips, pens in his pocket, glasses ... Why remarkable? Because it is the only one that matched the trend of the XXI century English fashion, we each day we passed a man dressed like 1475, and in the year 2008! This hombre es un gurú de la moda.

Que decimos nosotras, Marta, cielo, vale que te gustara reciclar...pero los "abrechungo" de las latas de refresco no tiene por qué hacer honor a su nombre para ponérselo en el vestido como pedrería decorativa de Sgüarroski...

Tras mirarla fijamente a los ojos durante 2 minutos...(NOTA: los ojos son los de encima de los tirantes, los primeros según bajas del pelo rubio) se nos ha ocurrido muchas cosas que podían estar pasando por su cabeza en esos momentos (nos lo pusiste fácil Marth...agarrada a esos dos...a esos dos.... A ESOS DOS, and now) it was clear that your head just might be crossing an idea ... at this time was forging the outline of Soldiers of Love (Marti caught you) ...

Well this is a clear example of how Christmas trees are timeless, amodal and high (or is that Marti will be low ...?).

DIORRRRR BY THE LOVE! Do not know where to focus our attention .. maybe where is setting it? ... Think about it ...

The truth is that despite Marti PhotoCool leading back to your face ... good friends has not improved much eh, or that, or was sulking because she was dressed that day of Marge Simpson and friends forced to pose such (in USA: the cuchipandi)

UY UY UY believe that someone has gone through the secadoooor ... That cosmopolitan than most fashion PhotoCool la Castellana in the background ... .. and English on the front page (like the naked maja it poses to us ... so we got us to No. 1, Toccata).

is clear from this snapshot of the boat Chanquete cuchipandi who commanded in it? ... Other than that, we are convinced that the gentleman on the right, a two, or you queasy waves or points from the left (this is a new case of recycling, this time from a ruffled dress .... Blessed 80s).

PhotoCool example in photo booth (for connoisseurs photomatoon) ...

Poor esque turned green with envy when his companion (and also friend) said that the tie que llevaba pintada era el último grito (de horror) en los united estates.

Madre de Dios, ¿pero quién le ha hecho el liftin al de la izquierda, el mismo que a la Duquesa de Alba?, y al de la derecha ¿quién le dijo que dijo que la moda MadMAx era eso, moda?, y al que le cubre los escotex a Marti, ¿como se puede posar tan cuqui cuqui?...Marti, merece la pena que digamos nada esta vez de tu modeli....tas estupenda chati (ejem...).

" TCHIN TCHIN, con afflelu...a no que esto no era asi, ¿no?"...

(Eye with the "Rubona" \u200b\u200bthe brow of the glasses ...)

" Digamelón ?" PhotoCool
This poses us as muse to the success of "Today I can not lift" of Mecano ....

T Marti flush this meeting came up with the title of his next hit: Desperate.

There are pictures worth a thousand words ... here teaching us such vowels Sesame Street ...

modelis Here we have two, one for the day (inspired by Coyote Dax ... this girl was also a visionary eye to the belt ... if you were right here ...) and one for the night. We stayed the night without dudadrlo, because if we're lucky, goes dark, and we do not see the style cabaret (special mention to last row. Good and the first good y. ..)

Here we have posed in the rest of recording the first chapter of The Wright Stuff, we looked at our files and we know on good authority that the first chapter was in those years (Maybe in summer we put those blond locks brown ... unless, that is the eyebrows ... oops!)

With these images we close the tour Mona-Graph of the 80 Marta Sanchez ...

In the first we see her in a tribute to Manolete, the second messenger that his photo was also used for the pages to find a boyfriend, kind Match (as we continued to be visionary) and the third wanted to take the sanbenitos of Sexy and decided to take a session on a PhotoCool released by La Casa del Libro (after this picture began his metamorphosis ...)



(Eye to traserillo of India that round along with Alaska, maybe it has been in the head what should go in the waist? .. .)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Verify Tag Heuer Authenticity

Welcome back! We thought what better way to finish (or start) a good day relajándoos a guessing contest. We who know much world and we were here much earlier than you can imagine (what happens is that we remain divinely, go to the beautician for Massage PH and Nicole Richie) because we know all the famous and famosetes whatever age, and had the opportunity to capture some snapshots, because by then we went to the fortune teller of Britney and told us that someday we would make a wonderful spot in the world (Internet) that would come millions and millions of people and would be amazed and fascinated by this entry. Well, whatever the reasons the issue is that we bring you new material.
You might be wondering: OK, what about how you play to this? Well
is easier, to the Hilton family can play (what we say because we have a compromising picture of Paris trying to fix your pool we will show in next chapter). The first thing you have to do is grab a pen (supercuqui) and paper (ultra white teeth Spears). I'll get some pictures of famous and famosillos and think you ought to guess who they are. Easy is not it?
Well, if there is someone who is not very job or need help we have extorted a bit (there are always compromising pictures) to give you another clue. So without further ado hagais not trap and play!
1: I am a super girl super cuqui. They are safe and
actress I've seen more than once. I have gone on TV and I also
cinema. Also: I have many friends!


2: Hi, I do not even need to track you, because look at me
already know who I am.


3: Until now most men I adored from
see me and think that the myth will disappear ... Today I'm blonde, I'm always a little swollen
and besides I have some wrinkles than another.


4: Hi, I have come to the top and then I fell, the swings have risks. Who
could start again ...


5. My mom treated me with lots of "Love" but then turned bad
Malota and now I am a femme fatale and I do what I please.


6. I am expecting a baby, because I'm older.
am a singer and sometimes cry a lot, esque sometimes you have to go back to basics, you know ..


7. If you know me you can not know anybody, because I have seen these pints
many many years ago, I usually make friends a little strange ...


8. Jo ** r trunk, but what are you uncle? if I have not changed anything male.
The Britney and Christina are a ** pe ace and you smell a dead clown.


9: I am a very cute boy and I was the terror of the girls. I have a dog name
and had a friend who left a TV series where they danced called Mary.

10. Well hello, I'm an actress, and certainly
already know who I am, so do not lose more time.


11. Hello! I am a very very cool girl and my dad got me into music. Moreover, as chic as
am I always too tight on clothing, and as I'm worth because I'ma girl
L'oreal because I made a very very chuli that became very famous and then left them lying

12. 12. No, I'm an Eskimo girl, but I have traits. I am dedicated to music.

Well girls, that was it? now plays the main course ... we bet you can not imagine anything like who is this child, as a hint: never never never invite a PhotoCool.

Now the solution, as we do not want you to do we trap the invisible mode, do click to view the end of the word "solution" and drag the mouse as you selection. And then do not forget to tell you that this has gone. Supercucki kiss for everyone.
Solution: 1.Jennifer Aniston / 2. Jennifer Lopez / 3. Pamela Anderson / 4. Britney Spears / 5. Courtney Love / 6. Christina Aguilera / 7. Drew Barrimore / 8. Eminem / 9. Ricky Martin / 10. Angelina Jolie / 11. Beyoncé / 12. Bjork / 13. Marilyn Manson! Unbelievable ....

Photo & Cool

Monday, January 14, 2008

Live In Gatineau, Work In Ottawa Tax


Hi girls, we release section and hope you happy. We will be brief, this section discusses that while Sarah Jessica Parker endeavor to prove otherwise grow and mature right. So we've decided that who better to release this new section to the goddess of the goddesses, the muse of muses and celebrity fashion Yankee (not junkie): PARIS HILTON . Do not say anything more because you are going to understand very well that's what this section.
In the next image, and most representative of ONE LAST HEAVY (VOL.1) we find this picture of the Goddess. No, not really PH has 579 years, not the woman of the way, she is his mother Kathy Richards. We assume that the woman is not a circus dwarf, but is on his knees, although in that family ... Good to know what we were, this photo shows Paris as a good mini-heiress already knew that the camera Photographer's smiles. If you ever wondered why you had Nicky Hilton (whose initials are NH and go you know if a mole is not plagiahoteles Hilton ..) has not had the same fame that her sister, we give you the answer: PH while smiling and crying NH won the public (and not surprising).
Kathy Richards: Come girls say glamourrr
This time we have moved a few years. PH can be many things, but what is not is shameful. So we introduced a few years old in a few PhotoCool. We had the opportunity to ask him about his dress, he answered that the strawberry bubble gum pink is very chic and casual barbie model would take the next year.
Yet, someone can explain why that neck? Is it really such inventions as the you put the horses to not be distracted? Aaahhh no, that maybe is to hide, you might be wondering what is going to hide Paris Hilton? girls do not, we will break the entrenched beliefs within yourself, the more sensitive advised that this can make you forever ... The only fear is that PH is flaking nail polish on his right hand before to the left .. his second worst fear is that someone you know and chic learns that she shaves with blades ... Paris, are our God, but that does not entitle you to dress in Venus (and get into a neck-shell).
Someone should have tying taught correctly, and explain why it is not aesthetically the knot in your achilles tendon ... what is worse is that as a Goddess is afraid of possible arrows ... think about it.
"Jo girls, I'm super mega worried
have told me that in Spain, I mean,
me out a competitor that
calls himself jopetas Strawberry ... "
We are pleased to introduce third model: notelopongasnimuerta. Although you may not believe this is after a parade of Hugo Boss. We are still trying to decrypt the great miesterio ... we know that PH attracts all eyes, but seriously do not think we will look at your hand?, Did she left the colony boat and thought we would not realize that that it has in hand is an energy drink?
"hugo, boss, three, four ... five ... mmm
if esque few flashes, bone, love me,
and nor have realized that I only use

Girl, I'm trying revive my sister. I arrived and I have found it thrown in front of the computer, the screen just had this picture, I have not looked too long, otherwise who knows, maybe I expected the same fate as her. My recommendation is that ye seek with sunglasses and respireis rhythmically. I will make the revival of Dior (a little water and heat), I think that's enough.

PH: blue bag, brown pants, gabardine
leather and black hair, ho, I hipersuperconjuntada esque.

with you all: Marie Antoinette cher or blonde. Words fail ...

PH: one day go to a farm and have my own show
and the sheep are painted behind not seem so dangerous super-
so sure they are very soft. These bloomers
hipermaravilla I will go.

Umm ... Do you have cold or hot? You can not go round showing your nakedness and then cover your chinchilla with a nap (which believe that after Maria Katia step input as shown above.)

PH: see that I have and I am very cold

PH Here we look at a face .. "uy bonitooo" more false hair (current) Britney. Like when I take the picture PH had not yet visited our PhotoCool and was not aware of the advice we have given in the first entry is not known to carry a half-fallen fork is not aesthetic. We would like to understand why wearing a vanity bag and a tutu, and why the cake (or whatever that is) leads to the bride rabbit Bugs Bunny with a devilish side.

PH: there are kids like you are, if I even have done a drawing
own animated ... I promise you that I love.

In the next picture, we note, first of all (though hard to look away from PH) a street PhotoCool very cumbersome and very ugly, but that we were not there. Then we see wearing a tan PH level 8 that has soaked through. He wears a blue dress water-maria, very summery and pretty ugly. A purse-string bags (a little pimp) and a sandalis porqueyolovalgo to spare them some soil on top. Very summer, yes sir.
PH: hope it does not note that after I left
to go on the speedboat Stavros ...

We've seen it before, Barbie-Power is a great power. If accompanied him with a crown of God and a loop in the arm and also a product of MATEL samples (trademark) is sure to photograph.

PH: to see kids apart than I have in a hurry, we
stayed with Ken and we're late.

Now we have said several times that we hung some pictures that may provoke an epileptic seizure (traitors is not alert) so we have to say that you look carefully the next picture. We have been silent, if he wanted to play the clown today in other ways. Indeed, this is not going to link the giant lollipop behind it.

PH: I'm not going to clown, I mean, I'm not vulgar. I'm going
Agatha Ruiz de la Parra, who is very cool.

This picture does not deserve much comment, no more than follow the example of people in the front row, who had the misfortune to meet this condition. They chose to remove the camera and close your eyes, maybe we should do the same.

Marujita Diaz squared. Sure, when you were small (if you bear glasses) I have called four eyes (that the most lucky). PH as no one ever called anything because why be cut? moreover, it is worth it, and if you put glasses GIANT blue glass to see who is ready to smurf called myopic.
PH: I play coolest aunt, I have regained my grandmother says here that
mind that I have 3 years, I stay young!

All we ever wanted to be princesses, just that no one can afford. Paris itself. If she wants to be Cinderella nothing happens, we never forget that the human race comes from mono and style more or less still have features. It's like hanging cherries of the ear, it hangs like a flower earrings. Indeed, we have some pictures for wondering whether PH has one eye bigger than another, because he always stands with an open one.

PH: jopetas not like Cinderella
mice had friends, if they are very disgusting, thank goodness that I have to
Tinkerbell, which is like a rat but glamorous.

and Ole Ole, we as the people behind it have been thunderstruck, noting the outfit. Crown head, neck locks, and a fire in his shirt and underwear, we know that PH is burning, but do it in public ...

PH: Give your body joy, Paris Hilton, your body ...
I do not know why not put my name in that song ...

We return to the earlier, the man (and woman) descended from the ape and we are sequels. But HP is much HP, so she will not get into the branches, rather than the branches to climb on it, no?

PH: This is the model orchid spring
bad is when you open the window of the limousine and go all the bees ...

know that some acostumbráis to have nightmares, so that they fall within this select group discourage more pictures, especially the following, which we watch a PH outdated. Stork's nest on his head and red eyes in white face. No, not a Halloween party, is PH alone. To top it wears a T-shirt that puts out a cowgirl and Femme, well ... Femme Femme very much not that go ...

PH: because I do not understand why
Micaelo Jackson has rejected my proposal to re-do Thriller video
me as a character ... if I dance much better than him!

What we're about to see is something never seen before: the PH-Choni. Coletitas head, agreed patent leather black bag with a dress with a tail at the back and a slice of infarction (but not the emotion but the shock) in front, in order to be thoroughly aired shame. Rhinestone bracelet at all for 1 euro and black platforms hipermega fingers apart as the legs of a chicken.

PH: Oops, that fesquito does, then I'll go with Jenny to
a dance, to see if I know her bf, so I introduced him
to mine ... Look! Here comes ... if esque that is cute:

Photo & Cool