Sunday, July 18, 2010

R4 Cheats Pokemon Soul Silver

will have seen? A MEMORY OF GRANADA

What is it? They wondered roses closer to the center of the garden.
the end after waiting more than 10 years has revealed his sexuality. Deals with the physical center and I even dare say the star center. His appearance made me think that nature keeps playing patterns and species to which human ignorance catalogs them as different ... Not a palm tree, although it seems. Their presence on the planet Earth moves more than 300 million years ago, at the beginning of time. Came before the dinosaurs, they disappeared but their species endured. You could say that is a living fossil. The leaves of 50 to 150 cm. long, webbed, stiff and sharp, good defense and arranged in a rosette around its enigmatic center.
emerging center of their sex and their subsequent offspring. In the image taken from the network You can observe a process of change in the center of the plant. What is it? male or female. The wisdom of nature will not leave us with doubt

But let us watching. The new leaves always foremost in length to the old, each generation of leaves, each leaf circle is longer and more vigorous than before. Height growth is very slow change from 20 to 30 years need to lengthen a meter, no hurry, life goes on. A copy can reach and even exceed 200 years ... I hope she tells the story of this garden when I'm gone.
waiting to hear sexuality Years the "queen" of the garden and one day last June began the process
something in a few days was a lump swelled located in the central zone. Pineapple took shape and grew to occupy the entire center of the plant. Consulted on the network, it was not normal. It was clear that pineapple leaves that were not going to leave and if they were leaves, not trunk. Floressss?
But I kept growing and growing
And let their sexuality defined, the view is. Their standard appearance leaves no doubt the queen of the garden is king.
CICA has blossomed Revoluta
also known as Sago Palm or Palm of which comes from Japan and the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan.
The two images are then leave your message very clear (the first is my property and the second taken from the network)
Detail of male flower of the CICA, you can see the pollen.
CICA Beautiful female's eggs, ready to be fertilized
Mother Nature has once again given me a beautiful lesson.
Among the CICA's sexuality and human sexuality is not much difference. The survivors were Cicas dinosaurs and may remain there to be copied again when you need to design a new prototype of a human being .... Hopefully improved


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