Thursday, June 21, 2007

Talk Like I Have A Stuffy Nose

these two months for the anthem of Spain

Many people have asked me to encourage them a Mac Dock like in Ubuntu (see picture), among which is lately Lineup

Install gdesklest to put it in the terminal "sudo aptitude install gdesklets " (without quotation marks). Open once installed gdesklets Menu / Accessories / gDesklets (gdesklets or typing in the console). You see there are many remaining Desklets beautiful and very interesting, like watches or information of CPU, RAM, etc.. Toolbar / Launcher (the only one in that category and is called StarterBar ).
Just double click and you'll have up on the mouse, drag it where you want to put it and click to release (from there you just have to drag icons inside and added automatically.)
(This we managed to work the Toolbar / Launcher, but if not continue to restart there, just as we would with any other desklets, to appear at the beginning when we fire the machine will follow the following steps)
  1. Let System / Preferences / Sessions
  2. .
  3. At Home programs click on the button New
  4. .
  5. You put the name you want (I have since (gdesklets (dockbar))
  6. puts command Where (immediately below) write gdesklets
  7. .
  8. Now when you restart (or start) your computer will have the desklets we have placed (if you followed the example for the Toolbar / Launcher, or if you prefer we call Dock) in our beautiful display.

NOTE: Once you reboot, if you've done well the second part will appear in a notice Arena little icon shaped puzzles within it we can set gdesklets preferences and among them is that this little icon does not appear, although cast in desklets, I personally do not like too, ;-).

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Male Models The Sims 2

Ubuntu: Install gdesklets (eg Dock)

  • Again we find in this beautiful time tests. I could talk about how bad as they are, what they are poorly organized notes, of anguish, of spending hours sitting in a chair in front of some sheets of paper or a view, etc. But no, I will talk about the other side of the exams:
  • is funny, but we can spend months without cleaning our room (with the resulting anger of the IMF
  • (see prologue the EIMIC)

  • and nothing happens, but at this time is to order it until 4 or 5 times a day (which is not to take notes). We could also eat anything, but we start to cook (cooking time is less time studying), remember that for months that you're not to drink coffee with your friend Johnny (well, now you can not study because you have to stay with him ) you have to go buy a highlighter because you can not underline the other color, ...
    But hey, that's going to do past relevant time losses, two test days and seen nothing yet decide you have to put serious and that total is only 800 pages and you have two whole days, but then you realize ... this way you finish the race well you've taken of
    cryptography, because every time someone photocopying notes has illegible handwriting, write to the edge of folio (and that does not appear in the copies you have made ) examples makes a pencil and not photocopy well ,...; well after several days doing "many things essential" you no longer have time to pass, so that decoding said ... There are rumors that after studying a whole entire psychology degree photocopied notes was able to read the Voynich Manuscript a

    fell swoop and without stopping for anything. But with this and all, that we, making us responsible in times of testing, leaving us the eyes for hours to memorize some agendas that do not understand or teachers, to try to pass, have a career and be "good people" or what we assume when we have a race under his arm. mood So for those of you double-minded examination and for those of you who study for photocopied notes.

    See you in the classroom tests.

    Sunday, June 3, 2007

    3 Days Pre Period Cervix Very High

    Well, we graduated: Many 'll be waiting to tell you that great, it was a wonderful event, which I liked a lot ... For the truth is that I think is a graduation of stupidity, but before you crucifiquéis me explain a little why, and I pass the dark side of this act as "solemn", that great unknown, hehe:

    First graduate anyone who wants (just pay the money for)
    is not necessary to have finished a race, or even to have passed any subject.
    Moreover, if we set strict enough to graduate who organizes the story that let you do it (always a fee), without needing to be registered even University.
    is no official ceremony is organized by the student council as I could organize a barbecue with my friends (do not need special permits).
    Yes it is true that are "important people" (the dean, a vice-rector, the godfather ,...), but they like if I invite my neighbor to the field with my friends.
    Yes it is true that is very nice ... parents face. Because we would miss two days (the trial and that you graduate). No one stops to think what it really means graduation, basically because it does not mean anything, it is not an official act of the University, as it was in the eighteenth century.
    not think it is useless (and here that I put a little emotive), serves to thank the dedication of some teachers that are coming up (as are elected by students) and especially thank our parents and family for their help during these years that are not always as pretty as the paint and it is they who help us pay the fees, we suffer stress, give us courage, etc.

    1. PD I do not think that this kind of thanks do need to spend money on scholarship from the suit, shirt, tie, shoes, dinner, open bar, DJ, .. . (Good in the open bar and DJ maybe you do, lol).
    2. Still I had a great time, enjoyed it, I was with people who wanted, etc. etc. etc. etc.
    3. And as a button and up I leave photos in the "Graduation Night"