Friday, December 8, 2006

Kate Playground Ready For Shower

Ubuntu: Installing Codecs Audio and Video (Automatix)

There are many Ubuntu packages and programs available in a very simple, but its proprietary nature, semi, which is not directly supported by Canonical, but by the Community (which is the basis of free software) or other reasons are not in the official repository of Canonical. But there is another set of servers, Canonical also, if you contain them and are easy to take, as follows:
  • Open console and type
  • "sudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list "
  • (without quotes)
  • in the file that opens erase everything and paste it below.
  • Save and Close. (NOTE: If you have other repositories added, apart from those who come to the top in ubuntu, not borreis, or re-add).
  • ################ ####################
  • sources.list # Edgy Final Release Repository deb edgy
  • main restricted universe multiverse deb-src edgy main restricted universe multiverse # Edgy
  • Security Updates deb http:// / / ubuntu edgy-security main restricted universe multiverse deb-src edgy-security main restricted universe multiverse
    # Edgy Bugfix Updates deb edgy-updates main restricted universe multiverse # Edgy Backports (new software versions, provided by the Ubuntu Backports Project)
    deb edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
    deb-src edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
    #Ubuntu Commercial
      deb edgy-commercial main
    1. ################Source.list####################


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