Saturday, December 9, 2006

Are Zig Zag Blunt Raps Any Good?

Ubuntu: Ubuntu

This time we will continue to fredcpp (thanks fred, you're a monster). His explanation is easy to follow, simple and it works, here it . But I'll summarize the steps: Add
Beryl repository to our source list: Run

 sudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list in a terminal 
(remember the password if you ask us, we enter our user). Add

deb edgy main-edgy
Save and exit.
Open a terminal and run wget-O -
    1. Reboot and you receive the Beryl splash. ;-)
    2. that simple. If you do not use an Intel, ATI or nVidia if the thing is a bit more complex, follow these tutorials: ATI - nVidia .

Inventions To Prevent The Fall Of Elderlies

Java Support: Install Beryl-AIGLX with Intel graphics card 850/855GM

Yes, sometimes, some users of free software and GNU / Linux (which is what Ubuntu) we want, where you look, lose a little of what they call security for convenience. Among these things that make the life more enjoyable and insecure, housed the fact that switching on the computer is open Ubuntu with our user directory (But do not ask or password). It's simple, let's look easy steps:

  • Open the System menu within Administration and within you click on Entry window.
  • In the window that comes introduce
  • our user password.
    It opens a window with eyelash and many options to configure the login window (gdm), fairly intuitive, with many options. Click on the Security tab , activate

    Enable automatic entry and drop-down menu below select the User


      is now, when we fire our computer goes straight to the user logged selected.

    Queens Court House Number

    Gnome (Ubuntu): Enter a user automatically when you turn

    Yes, it is possible, and Extremadura (Spain) has returned to take the first step. And everyone echoed the progress of this region when he took the SO Linex (GNU / Linex) based on Debian, to computerize schools (one computer for every two students), which meant a saving on licensing costs that exceeded expected and allowed to computerize all the schools in the region in this field has followed progress and the version of Linex 2006 and is aimed not only at school, is ready for school, administration, office technology, the "gambler" (with his version juegaLinEx) and home users (including those using laptops as I), for my taste Linex is only surpassed by Ubuntu, but it's only a matter of taste and community support. For Extremadura (can you tell I am a convinced Extremeño?) Has returned to go further, not whether it will be a pioneer in this again, but at least in Spain it is, will support wifi on motorways ( so far only parts of it) and Bluethoot connection to see if the rest of the world is to take the hint, "one day the wifi connection anywhere in the world will be free?, and if so I already use GNU / Linux and wifi connections. ;-)
  • In /. also echo.
  • Linsey Dawn Mckenzie 16 Yo

    A world with wireless connections anywhere?

    Let us now see how to install audio and video codecs UNUSED Automatix (I highly recommend this option): We click on the Applications Menu .
  • click in the menu on Add / Remove . Gstreamer seek
  • We make

    gstreamer extra plugins and GStreamer ffmpeg video plugin . We press


    Once completed already, we can open movies and audio files with rhythmbox totem among others.
    NOTE: Use this option to install, instead of the console, for the different versions that appear on it to gstreamer also is not bad to use occasionally graphic way, I'm too used to the old ways, hehe .

    Friday, December 8, 2006

    Eagle Metal Core Scooter Wheels Blue

    Ubuntu: Installing Codecs Audio and Video (without using Automatix)

    Well, zip compresses and decompresses it, and alone, so let's see what we have to do to use ace files, rar and zip and others:

  • Open a console
  • . We
  • unace sudo aptitude install rar unrar p7zip p7zip-full arj lha unzoo libarchive1 libarchive-tar-perl libarchive-zip-perl dpkg-dev
  • hope to finish and we can compress and decompress files such fille -roller (opened just by double clicking on them as winrar does in windows).
  • It's that simple. NOTE: You must have enabled the multiverse and universe repositories,
  • here you can see how.
  • Can I Extend My Seven Inch Penis?

    Ubuntu: compress and decompress zip rar ace

    We will do installation of codecs easier, faster and easy to install automatix it (stating that doing things blindly with programs like these is not among my preferences, it is a good option and it seems that this program is consistent and reliable, that is like windows, but working well .) I will quote to install automatix
  • : ############
  • quoted
  • ######## #############
    Automatix installation can be installed or upgraded via the APT system used by Ubuntu to easily manage all programs. To do this you must edit the file
      sources.list by typing in Terminal:
    1. $ sudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list
    2. Add the following line at the end of the file: deb
    3. / apt
    dapper main Save and close the file. Now we have to get the GPG key to authenticate the new repository, again from Terminal: $ wget add applications
    ). [ In other words put in the console "sudo aptitude install Automatix2"].

    To run you have available from the Ubuntu menu

    Applications -> System Tools -> Automatix


    ######## ############ #############
    We will get a screen illegal information on the codecs installed in USA, we give


      The following  
    screen informs us of who develops Automatix, just click


    In the left menu click on


    1. Mark the codecs you want, I have installed the following:
    2. AUD-DVD Codecs
    3. Multimedia Codec
    4. Real Player (not a codec itself, but allows us to see the files that are in that format). We click on START. automatix Now we do work (the best in him, lol).
      1. press NO to exit File Exit, if we open the File menu
      2. and click on Remove Automatix Repos . The question that comes press YES . codecs already have ready to enjoy our music and movies in Ubuntu.

    Kate Playground Ready For Shower

    Ubuntu: Installing Codecs Audio and Video (Automatix)

    There are many Ubuntu packages and programs available in a very simple, but its proprietary nature, semi, which is not directly supported by Canonical, but by the Community (which is the basis of free software) or other reasons are not in the official repository of Canonical. But there is another set of servers, Canonical also, if you contain them and are easy to take, as follows:
  • Open console and type
  • "sudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list "
  • (without quotes)
  • in the file that opens erase everything and paste it below.
  • Save and Close. (NOTE: If you have other repositories added, apart from those who come to the top in ubuntu, not borreis, or re-add).
  • ################ ####################
  • sources.list # Edgy Final Release Repository deb edgy
  • main restricted universe multiverse deb-src edgy main restricted universe multiverse # Edgy
  • Security Updates deb http:// / / ubuntu edgy-security main restricted universe multiverse deb-src edgy-security main restricted universe multiverse
    # Edgy Bugfix Updates deb edgy-updates main restricted universe multiverse # Edgy Backports (new software versions, provided by the Ubuntu Backports Project)
    deb edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
    deb-src edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
    #Ubuntu Commercial
      deb edgy-commercial main
    1. ################Source.list####################

    Dixit Games Of Strategy

    official Ubuntu repositories adding

  • Well, you have not write. The last article was about how to install Linex2006 and really surprised me was how well the new Linex. Then I decided to try Ubuntu on my laptop (Toshiba Satellite A50-522), and the truth is that I was quite surprised, the installation process is simple and then everything works (yes, everything including the wireless card and graphics card acceleration 3D).
    The steps are simple, I guess
    and you get everything you want to save to your hard drive that you downloaded the Ubuntu CD Internet
    , because we're going to reformat everything

    Install Windows XP (I did with the backup you brought your laptop), and install everything you want to take it (I installed a minimum because they really I will always use Ubuntu, and just pull windows when absolutely necessary.) Enter

    Ubuntu CD and reboot:

    If windows restart and do nothing the CD is because you have to give priority to the CD at startup (that usually comes by default on all computers, if yours does not it is because someone has changed, if you can not do internet searches, San Google always helps, another option is to ask someone who knows a little more than you to help you with this step.)

    If you boot from the CD going well, very well, ;-).

    In press F2
    menu to select the language (English is indicated below). Select English (if you want to use the language, of course).
    In Ubuntu (yes, you're on Ubuntu, but that comes with the CD, yet there is nothing of this on your hard drive) click Install icon on the desktop. Now comes a series of successive screens quite simple and intuitive, I'll explain a little the crucial:

    Resize automatically resize your disk WindowXP
    to stick out below you, move up to mark the desired area you want to occupy (I give 7.8 Gb)
    install Brand Ubuntu in the following contiguous free space
    (do not remember it well as it is written, but it's something).
    1. Enter your Name, Username, Password and Name
    2. Team (especially important username and password (and you identify the computer and through them you can use Ubuntu, so do not forget, and recognize Team Name that computer in the network, so remember best, though you can see it in Ubuntu at any time and even change it.) Giving
      • next start to install and ready, soon we will have Ubuntu installed on the hard drive, with a little screen when you turn on your computer that allows us to choose to boot Windows XP or Ubuntu (Linux).
      • NOTE: This mini how-to is done on Ubuntu 6.10 (edgy), may change with other versions (although I do not much).

    Going To Gym Funny Quotes

    Installing Ubuntu Edgy on Toshiba-Satellite-A50 522 (Toshiba Satellite A50 Campus)

    I assume that you have already installed your "wonderful" Windows (Windows) on your computer, and of course, when you install it you did not no free space Linex install, Debian, Mandriva, Ubuntu or any other "weird stuff", lol (If not to skip step 1).
  • Step 1
  • Linex2006 allows you to resize the Windows partition during the installation itself, leaving the space you want to install your Linex, but the sizing (I've already done a couple of times without problems) seems overly fairly quickly to be sure, so I preferred to do it with Partition Magic (sorry to be a proprietary program). But possibly safer downsizing of Linex, eh, I say that I do not know, just doing guesswork. recommend
  • version Partition Magic 8.0 (in English). It's easy, and simple graphics. Select the Windows partition (which will drawn up), we give you to resize and make it smaller by dragging the right edge to the left, I personally leave it to half, half hard drive for Windows and a half Linex hard drive, but LinEx really need much less. We would like to apply and wait quietly, but calmly, especially if you have many things on your hard disk.
    • Here's how to do it in 3.2
    • Another option is to use Gparted, much like Partition Magic, but free, and also a magnificent LiveCD (CD that starts just as the installation is in English) that lets you change what you want from your hard drives and also supports more types of partitions. As is made with Partition Magic.
    • Here's how to do it with Gparted
  • From here you can download it

    Linex introduce the CD in the CDROM and reboot the computer.

    that comes on the screen select install in graphical mode.

    We leave the question:
    "Resizing the NTFS partition found?"

    The answer is clearly NO
    , as we have done already in step 1.

    On the next screen select Automatic Partitioning
    • On the next screen select Keep all partitions and use existing free space
    • On the next screen you look at you have created a partition for / boot, one for / and another that is rate swap, if not we will have to create them manually (sorry, I will not delve into this, there are many tutorials that explain and it is very intuitive).
    • The following select Install a boot manager (if not always open to us in Windows if installed or otherwise not open anything directly.) Step 3
    • We reached a very important part:
    • In Enter the root password what we ask for is the admin password, it is very important not and forget that does not have any, because she is making facilities, configuring the computer and accessed sensitive areas that could literally destroy our Linex OS and even Windows. We must enter it twice for the computer to make sure it is well written.
    • In Username must enter the primary user name (full name and full name), but it is not necessary to use real, I hereby put my alias or pseudonym. In Password is the password to log in as this user, but is optional, can be left blank.
    • Login Box automatically makes this user to turn on the computer and open Linex automatically opens all as that user (Windows does the same), if it's not enabled you should select the user in the initial screen and enter your password (if the course ACCTIVA do not ask for the password).

    NOTE: You can add and manage users in a way very similar to Windows, once installed the Complete System.
    • On the next screen choose the packages that we install, are fine shortlisted for both domestic and professional use. We give below a few times and it all begins the installation process.