In the dark catacombs of the underworld also Warhammer whether or not there are forests as those on the surface ...
This time I show a forest of fungi that grew out of the same concept of post above, the Under Empire. To play own way in the underground galleries decided to create elements of scenery which adds variety to both the landscape of the table as the game itself. The first thing that occurred to me: a forest, which for obvious reasons could not be any trees.
The basic structure of fungi is hemp rope, wire reinforced telephone. Is lined with paper mache. The basis of the set is made from the classic form with PVA + volcanic sand (can be any type of gravel).
To add more details and color to the forest of mushrooms I added pieces of hemp rope as if they were willing mycelia (giants) of the fungus. The rope is soaked in PVA so that it remains rigid when dry.
Mushroom fungi are cardboard discs of different diameters, glued over each other and covered with paper mache. For surface texture I used my old laundry tank xD. The mesh hardened PVA (of course) produced the perfect texture to achieve the desired effect.
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The mushroom is stuck at the bottom fungi with the help of hemp strands are loose. Once dry, hardened by the PVA acquire the typical appearance of flakes.
For priming Marson brand used the anti-rust, black.
painting the mycelium (and fungi in general) used a bright palette of colors to make it clear that this is a very poisonous mushroom species : flame orange and yellow sun (both Coat d'arms). The base was painted with earth scenografía undercoat (Woodland Scenics) to give the appearance of cave.
's foot fungi was painted with dark flesh, cleaning (well diluted) of dry brush tausept of ocher and dark flesh (both colors Citadel). The mushroom of orange flame painted with dry brush and poison purple (both Coat d'arms). Some of the holes in the mushroom reveal the primed to give the impression that they are empty and others show a spore color green camo (Citadel).
In the bottom of the mushroom used mechrite network (Citadel) between the slides and for the latter: tausept ocher (Citadel) and ruby \u200b\u200bnetwork (Coat d'arms .) In order to achieve a forest of mushrooms, I added the little mushroom made with cold ceramic. This time at the base of each pasted bits of orange foam rubber to hide the remains of glue and make it look even more unreal and poisonous. The foam rubber ball's got a basketball (!!!).
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Finally I leave you with a Skink pictures to appreciate the scale.
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