There is a goblin in the garden. Long ago buzzes and some changes are taking place in the magical place.
has great dedication in caring for the earth, protects your favorite products that he produces, he seeks out the best places and takes every spout settles its real. Some areas have been disappearing magic and instead practice green areas of culinary use will repopulate the garden.
But ... there is always a but, DuenDeverDe, for the place known as 3D's. insists on calling its protected by its scientific name is somewhat petulant self,
"would know what their names say, those by all we know? Do your vulgar and simple names?
Let's see:
The No. 1 which then appears in 3D's image says his name is Basilium Ocymum but we know how that aromatic with which makes pesto sauce. Why do you recognize her name?
The No. 2 Allium schoenoprasum As an effort 3D's me spell her name but now tinged with Gallic Ci-bo-u-te-lettttttttt reminds me ..... and the smell too, even its leaves are tubular and very aromatic as the generic we all know.
The No. 3 , good is already taking care takes time and cutting it as a hedge winding across the garden and it seems that the larger the space. Now their young leaves as shown in the picture look a striking yellow, straight into the green and even yellow variegated shades of green. 'families Celastraceae. ... japonica origin gives the name.
The No. 4 A climber with flowers that were in a previous post and was not recognized by anyone and that the seeds are known as good food in almost every cuisine in the world not an exaggeration. The No. 5 few very compact specimens that have been coming to the kitchen most of the winter, its leaves green curly and then disappear from the bowls, ; 3D's says which belongs to the Asteraceae Compositae . How about you what you ask when you buy in the grocery store?
The No. 6 ... owns good this climbing of walls and say it's good to have as measuring separation between the fences between neighbors ... to bring good luck, not me ... because we must be continually cutting it if not invade everything in their power up looks like the trunk of the Cassava Hedera .! Is your nom de guerre is it?? The No. 7 water drinker, this is me!
- No, no .... Hydrangea - 3D's
few tender shoots of tree care of the small garden is the image No 8
3D's what spoils as if the golden tree , scented flowers that turn to the autumn in areas yellowish orange he is Citrus Sinensis.
No. 9 A perennial herb, aromatic and slightly bitter. Best to use fresh dry. It covers the lower area of \u200b\u200bgarden and raised flower stems. No missing half the world's kitchens
Origanum vulgare
And finally the No. 10.
Petroselinum Sativum
Up here, you recognize any?