all know that endless e-honored war developed between mothers and children throughout history, prehistory (and all of the above) by which the former are determined not to recognize independence the right to self-determination and privacy of the latter.
There have been many occasions when the latter try to solve the problem by means of dialogue and thousands more alternative ways (other than violence and confrontation) and the famous strikes of "I'll be the time that I please", "This is my fourth", "will clean when dust" and so forth. They all end, however, and as a rule in a complete failure or a small recognition of a right that does not last more than one or two weeks, usually after losing addition, as a tribute, a tribute that appeared and accepted, standardized this treatment.
also at times when it seems to be reaching some kind of deal or that there are too many problems, few times, by the way, Mother often used third parties to interfere in war, subject to a series of side agreements and enforceable, generally involving the father in the few cases where this fails also has a series of pacts with other relatives (often grandparents, aunts, grandmothers, aunts, godparents, etc..) side and also mandatory that makes the children are at a distinct disadvantage. For all this it is necessary to document and therefore EIMIC constituents courts proclaim and
By Article 1 This document declares the Independent State of My Incredible Fourth, hereinafter EIMIC. Article 2
The EIMIC is an independent state capable of self-determination, their own council of government, judicial and political attachment and Land to RDLC (Rest Of The House). Article 3
EIMIC is considered a citizen of any person who is born in or to sleep at least half plus one of the days of the year in it. Article 4
The EIMIC is a Republic and the President of EIMIC is who it represents. Article 5
EIMIC Chair be elected at the Assembly's own suffrage EIMIC and must leave by an absolute majority, if not to acquire majority will move to a new vote in which only be voted the two candidates in the previous vote.
Art. 6 will become part of the Assembly with life tenure is achieved only if the explicit or implicit support (in this case must be clearly contrasted) of 80% of the citizens of EIMIC. Article 7
president may EIMIC make a citizen ceases, whenever I get the support of 30% of other citizens. Article 8
The judicial system shall be managed and controlled by the Chief Justice, which must be proposed to the Assembly by the President and elected always get at least two thirds of the votes of the same. Article 9
The Chief Justice may order and sentencing orders and considerations deem necessary to maintain justice in the EIMIC, especially those that threaten the privacy of citizens and to be particularly severe in case of violation of privacy that is conducted by a Mother. Article 10
following rights are recognized for citizens of EIMIC:
- Notice of meeting (especially if they are friends)
- Take information of general interest (including photos and videos)
- Choosing a queen - Enter at any time in the EIMIC - Be respected and revered within the EIMIC
- Maintain relationships of the type you prefer
- Clean
EIMIC if they wish - be respected in the hours of sleep (whatever those hours, including two in the afternoon) Article 11
following duties are recognized for citizens of EIMIC: - have fun at least a third day of the year
- Appear on the RDLC at least for the toilet or eat - Respect the sleep of other citizens
Article 12
Each and every one of the articles of this constitution, laws, and any other official document may be modified if they agree to 100% of the assembly or 80% of citizens. Or in an emergency procedure may be skipping around the same urgently. Article 13
All documents, including this one, are effective the day following its publication in the TEP (All paperwork), integrating this any EIMIC walls, cork bulletin board thereof and any website belonging to a citizen of the state.
First Additional Provision
is understood and agreed that so far the only person eligible to be a citizen of EIMIC is the author of this Constitution.
Second Additional
be trivially Following appointed to the Assembly, President and Chief Justice.
Third Additional
As shown someone else legally that can be named city under the terms of this Constitution shall be void the First and Second Additional Provisions.
Any other document before this, and contrary to infer it will be immediately invalidated. MANU
NOTE: This document may be copied and adapted to the situation of each child in need in order to proclaim their independence.
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