Thursday, March 31, 2011

Free Beauty Salon Cad Blocks

I caught the end ... !

There is a goblin in the garden. Long ago buzzes and some changes are taking place in the magical place.
has great dedication in caring for the earth, protects your favorite products that he produces, he seeks out the best places and takes every spout settles its real. Some areas have been disappearing magic and instead practice green areas of culinary use will repopulate the garden.
But ... there is always a but, DuenDeverDe, for the place known as 3D's. insists on calling its protected by its scientific name is somewhat petulant self,

"would know what their names say, those by all we know? Do your vulgar and simple names?
Let's see:
The No. 1 which then appears in 3D's image says his name is Basilium Ocymum but we know how that aromatic with which makes pesto sauce. Why do you recognize her name?
The No. 2 Allium schoenoprasum As an effort 3D's me spell her name but now tinged with Gallic Ci-bo-u-te-lettttttttt reminds me ..... and the smell too, even its leaves are tubular and very aromatic as the generic we all know.
The No. 3 , good is already taking care takes time and cutting it as a hedge winding across the garden and it seems that the larger the space. Now their young leaves as shown in the picture look a striking yellow, straight into the green and even yellow variegated shades of green. 'families Celastraceae. ... japonica origin gives the name.
The No. 4 A climber with flowers that were in a previous post and was not recognized by anyone and that the seeds are known as good food in almost every cuisine in the world not an exaggeration.
The No. 5 few very compact specimens that have been coming to the kitchen most of the winter, its leaves green curly and then disappear from the bowls, ; 3D's says which belongs to the Asteraceae Compositae . How about you what you ask when you buy in the grocery store?
The No. 6 ... owns good this climbing of walls and say it's good to have as measuring separation between the fences between neighbors ... to bring good luck, not me ... because we must be continually cutting it if not invade everything in their power up looks like the trunk of the Cassava Hedera .! Is your nom de guerre is it??

The No. 7 water drinker, this is me!
- No, no .... Hydrangea - 3D's
few tender shoots of tree care of the small garden is the image
No 8
3D's what spoils as if the golden tree , scented flowers that turn to the autumn in areas yellowish orange he is Citrus Sinensis.

No. 9 A perennial herb, aromatic and slightly bitter. Best to use fresh dry. It covers the lower area of \u200b\u200bgarden and raised flower stems. No missing half the world's kitchens
Origanum vulgare
And finally the No. 10.

Petroselinum Sativum
Who knew that under such name hides the most simplest of aromatic cuisine. Splendid bunches decorate the counters of many stores and there are always some sellers who kindly offered us a few twigs.

Up here, you recognize any?

Monday, March 28, 2011

African Spurred Tortoise Sale

Laura Gallego.

the author.

Laura Gallego is one of the most famous writers of Spain of children's literature.
Born in Valencia, where from an early age began to write, this is shown in Zodiaccía unpublished work, a different world (available on his website) he wrote with a friend.
At age 21, when he was studying philology, wrote the novel Finis Mundi, which won the first prize in the Steam Boat SM Publishing. His second prize in this competition was won with her novel The Legend of King Errante.
is the founder of the university magazine Naiad, distributed quarterly in the Faculty of Philology and was co-director of the same from 1997 to 2010.

Official Website:


Despite its editorial awards in the SM, Laura Gallego, gained more popularity Chronicles trilogy with Tower and a copy of the life of one of the characters: Frenris, the elf.
In 2004 he began publishing his second trilogy, entitled Memoirs of Idhún , his most successful work to date, with more than 750,000 copies sold and also has a comic book version.

Jack, a Danish teenager of thirteen, she meets the wizard and the warrior Alsan Shail, members of the Resistance trying to save Idhún exiles, who have to kill Kirtash, a ruthless murderer who Ashran works for the Necromancer, the cause of astral conjunction killed all the unicorns and dragons Idhún. Then there is Victoria, a peculiar young man, joined the resistance, which inadvertently slowly falling in love, a love to which it corresponds, though not the only one interested; Kirtash also in love with the murderer, a cold young man with big secrets. They will have Gerde face, the beautiful and powerful wizard fairy, who not only tries to kill Kirtash Victoria to stay with, but then acquires a divine power. In these novels will discover the secrets of Idhun, and the true nature of these three guys, who after this, they would change their lives forever.

After this successful trilogy has published four books:

The empress of the ethereal (2007),
Two candles for the devil (2008), and Sara
scorers: Creating Team (2009) Black Wings
continued successful novel Wings of Fire (2004)

Also, this year published his most recent work; Where trees sing.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kate Playground The Rabbit


Late last fall I spoke seriously pampered and spoiled my fig tree, I said.
- You're getting older and I do not care who occupies much of the garden. Your roots are becoming more powerful and hoard large amounts of nutrients for your development.
You're not trying too hard in the fruits that I offer and a great majority of them are squander. So I will them to undergo drastic pruning and have all the winter period to reflect on your future.

Ficus carica is a wise ancient tree usually gives much and asks little. In the Mediterranean basin grow feral and generous land.
is accompanied by rites and legends and then and see that I admire and do not intend to remove the magical garden regardless of its worth, we will see some of his legendary stories.
Egyptians 4,500 years ago led to his writing as a hieroglyphic symbol.
Its leaves have been the clothing with which some artists have covered parts of those so-called Pudenta our first parents. I think that these artists had not picked figs in his life. The plant as you cut a leaf or a fig clips flatters you with drops of a latex highly stinging human skin. They say that white substance is good for removing warts .... not me .. Some say that the leaf clothing of Adam and Eve was a fig here also disagree with the painter fig leaf is too small for such a role
But about the fig tree ;
I totally agree with Plato who said that he regarded as divine fruits figs, the truth is that they are my favorites. I think I could share a very rich fruit basket with him and listen under the leafy shade of the sage words.

De Cato has prompted the Roman Senate to meet in the Punic Wars against Carthage and was throwing a handful of figs in the center of the great assembly of figs hurts!

Loba Capitolina
To find a good shade of the fig tree to shelter under it and to feed their children human Romulus and Remus.
moved ensconced Asp in a basket of figs that they say a local man approached the gates of the palace by order of the great lady to avoid suspicion about what he wanted. This is not just to agree that if the basket had figs, that if they were flowers, the fact is that the sweet fruit is again present even in the death of Cleopatra.

scholars on the death of the Egyptians do not quite agree and it is interesting the version given that some of the Cleopatra was ready to die but given their knowledge of toxicology and that cultivated plants and specialized, so they say, in the poisonous cocktail preparing rehearsed on death row so he could improve and decide how their preparations called the reaper. They say those who advocate this theory that the lady in question did not choose an asp as its bite causes immense pain and necrosis. Cleopatra certainly was not prepared to find that necrologicamante impresentable and say they decided on a balanced cocktail of opium and hemlock. Among such assumption at the end is not where the basket of figs.
And finally, and looking at these photographs is as it is now my fig.
see that the appearance of the fig is very original. An extension of the stem, a corpuscle to be swelling and that, here come the originality that the Judeo-Christian curse tree cursed by Jesus.
(Jesus would not like figs)
Inside the FIG is flowering and therefore is not visible, weird, weird. The openings of the end of the bulge is where the insects pollinate the fruit or charged depends on the insect visitor.

So I talked to my fig tree last fall and this spring as its openings fruit flirt with whom you should not have to leave the garden is very legendary

Friday, March 18, 2011

Things To Write In Wedding Guest Book

SPRING blog welcomes 2011 with a small collection of paintings by the young Russian artist Vladimir Kush

The small and magical garden is honored to sport some of the dreamlike fantasy of brilliant artist
If at some point it becomes magical garden is through visions that are in the retina and captivate the imagination trying to get a beautiful dream to raise a tiny green space
Spring is ready to go and settle to best welcome gift could you
I hope you like and as they are caught in the net and made reference to its author and his official website remain
presented here and ready to remind the blogs they visit this space that are ready to be transported and released other places where beauty and creativity are welcome.


Monday, March 14, 2011

George Washington Bridge Toll

HIGUERA walking in the garden trimming

As gossamer soft almost imperceptible signs in the garden that I have at times lived in it with those who visited him one day.
anyone can recognize in this strange flower which is the fruit? Its fruit we ate with great delight and great fun fruit say That was the seed! . Yes was the seed, we were in a Tasquita of the port area of \u200b\u200bBarcelona and we were three, one had to get there from across the pond.
By the way your blog is celebrating. Another clue is a regular commentator on this blog.

challenging The tiny flower of Prunus Nigra, plum edge, brings me memories of a woman who dreams that spring is coming even if no one creates it. There is still on the tree leaves and flowers are what make him a fantasy in pink.
Bulky and red rose hips escaped the scissors when all stems came under his sharp cut. The rose has been retouched, cleaned up and polished for a young and vigorous regrowth. The hips kept in its roundness the essence of beauty ... what he apparently is not what is in essence. And one is always safe to remember the magical garden one day lose its beauty but leave the hope that some young blossom pink. And looking round the rough and wild, I smile and think of my young friend
's just a narcissus flower, but seen as closely and is a vast ocean of pollen. His call comes to the confines of the garden and there is no pollinator that resists ... Another
tempranera the jasmine flower yellow. The yellow color is a "preferred" by insects, they have a visual perception different from ours it is known, it is not so well known is that the yellow and blue are the best sensors .. The compound eyes of the stupid, emitted ultraviolet points detected and there is diving.
And this oddity? who dares to say who it is. For these latitudes is in bloom almost all year.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Monica Roccaforte Rapside

mutant fungi!

In the dark catacombs of the underworld also Warhammer whether or not there are forests as those on the surface ...

This time I show a forest of fungi that grew out of the same concept of post above, the Under Empire. To play own way in the underground galleries decided to create elements of scenery which adds variety to both the landscape of the table as the game itself. The first thing that occurred to me: a forest, which for obvious reasons could not be any trees.

The basic structure of fungi is hemp rope, wire reinforced telephone. Is lined with paper mache. The basis of the set is made from the classic form with PVA + volcanic sand (can be any type of gravel).

To add more details and color to the forest of mushrooms I added pieces of hemp rope as if they were willing mycelia (giants) of the fungus. The rope is soaked in PVA so that it remains rigid when dry.

Mushroom fungi are cardboard discs of different diameters, glued over each other and covered with paper mache. For surface texture I used my old laundry tank xD. The mesh hardened PVA (of course) produced the perfect texture to achieve the desired effect.

What was ...
The mushroom is stuck at the bottom fungi with the help of hemp strands are loose. Once dry, hardened by the PVA acquire the typical appearance of flakes.

For priming Marson brand used the anti-rust, black.

painting the mycelium (and fungi in general) used a bright palette of colors to make it clear that this is a very poisonous mushroom species : flame orange and yellow sun (both Coat d'arms). The base was painted with earth scenografía undercoat (Woodland Scenics) to give the appearance of cave.

's foot fungi was painted with dark flesh, cleaning (well diluted) of dry brush tausept of ocher and dark flesh (both colors Citadel). The mushroom of orange flame painted with dry brush and poison purple (both Coat d'arms). Some of the holes in the mushroom reveal the primed to give the impression that they are empty and others show a spore color green camo (Citadel).
In the bottom of the mushroom used mechrite network (Citadel) between the slides and for the latter: tausept ocher (Citadel) and ruby \u200b\u200bnetwork (Coat d'arms .)

In order to achieve a forest of mushrooms, I added the little mushroom made with cold ceramic. This time at the base of each pasted bits of orange foam rubber to hide the remains of glue and make it look even more unreal and poisonous. The foam rubber ball's got a basketball (!!!).


Finally I leave you with a Skink pictures to appreciate the scale.
