Friday, December 31, 2010

Prevent People Seeing Friends On Facebook

Today we begin a new year and the magical garden pays homage to the creativity and imagination.
If something is beautiful this garden is because somewhere I felt that beauty with my clumsy hands of inexperienced gardener I have tried to capture in a tiny space that the eye of the camera makes the most wonderful times and even unreal.

have stayed at discovering the work of Jason de Caires Taylor and has been taken from the network. The link takes you to its website and in it you can admire his work beautiful, original and disturbing.

For obvious reasons I love this picture. A young woman lying on a pavement that could be to any garden, watching quietly as they grow around ..... Corales, emerging from numerous scattered like flower pots if reality were earthy. So captivating is that the sea garden.
I never tire of looking at it. That girl is destined to disappear, to be absorbed by time.
started with a few pots and a dream
will end up eaten by coral and microorganisms. Change its neutral color tones earth for only the palette of Mother Earth knows tint.

time and corals change their ways. Provide support for new lives. Protect their presence endangered ecosystem.

Magic learn and admire my garden.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Giant Boob Masterbation Encourgagement


Today's topic is of orchids. These beautiful flowers that arrive each December 18 the garden and so far I have not managed to prolong life beyond what can subsist by themselves
The first image is an orchid, the view is and how it reads caption to the garden came a day after 18. She is Mercy and say I've had much more luck with orchids Piedad, their friendship never fades, and otherwise everything is going for three years and this is the second time I walk through the magical garden. I could write beautiful things about this woman that many have but I'm better at picking the beauty with the camera. What do you think? She can not see the roses that takes in his hands, but his smile says a lot about what is inside. Knows how to capture the magic of the garden like no other. And so, with your permission I allowed myself to bring her here.
I want to ask a favor ...... who is willing and able ....

Looking at that picture now heads this entry what you see? .

Well, now the issue is already traditional at this time in the garden of Driada
are a birthday gift that my son really knows that I like very much.
This is the generic name of individuals that look in photographs. Strange shapes, reminiscent of butterfly wings these .... or maybe mouths. The Greeks gave them the name, phalaina "butterfly" and opsis "similar." Butterfly orchid orchid also known as mouth, of course there each with their imagination But as the Greeks were the first since .....
This type of orchids are in containers rather small and transparent and everything has it. Small, because the roots need to feel compacted, squeezed into contact with each other, would be better off holding on to the trunks of the trees they live in a natural way ... Regarding the transparency of the container that the considerations are the roots of this variety of orchids are green and capable of photosynthesis and the natural function of plants necessarily need light, so aerial roots and providing the necessary movement of chlorophyll for that the living plant.

Separated from the trees on which they live and have it difficult to sustain further developed so far have not succeeded, if they last many months but not exceeding the year.
I will try to simulate the natural bark of a tree based on fragments of peat and pine bark to see if the roots can be anchored.
rain water to the irrigation water in this area is highly alkaline and that shortens their life.
seems that in the monitoring of is the possible roots of the plant life at the time they begin to lose the green color is a sign that something is wrong.
A good support for growth, need not to infect the beautiful orchid. She is

writing this concept which I think gives me the ..... Yes, all things have their why.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Can I Use Woolite In My He Washer


The garden goes a bit desolate, but nevertheless, the roses that have not succumbed to fungal attacks and bites and binge leaves that the caterpillars have continued to flourish. The roses that open in this season make me think about what they come about and how they are.
morning, strain the petals for a few hours
And the next morning fall into decay, beautiful remember that for a few hours and were given last spring.
The cold wind and the bends but does not thereby lose the fragrance
The daylight hours are shorter but there is colors that are stressing
Today their names do not matter, since they were written at their peak
matter still open today in a garden that gradually enters dormancy
They are willing to face the freezing winter, is the latest evidence
probably continue to flourish even a week.
These are Rosano have been able to reach the month of December 2010.
My dear Rose!
Hard times for the magical garden, I hope that the force of nature has a good winter rest.
And for those who have come here do you remember the orange blossoms? Well now you are a rich orange. A feast for the senses.