Thursday, October 12, 2006

Queens Court House On Queens Blvd

  • Recently, for reasons not relevant here, I had to install Linex2006 in a computer network, and the truth, the previous version and me liked, but had some things that did not fully convince me, so I happen to Debian Etch and this is the line as you can see is so far the Blog (On Debian Etch), well, now we have new version of Linex and me more convinced, but are also there's Ubuntu, that reading and reading, I see that slowly gaining ground market, is also based on Debian, Linex and has as many followers now. I ordered Ubuntu CDs via Shipit (requires registration but is free, or so they say, that I come and I will tell you, and you can ask them to different platforms, not just PC).

  • But as I get time I'll install the Linex2006 on the main PC in my home since then I have little choice, my brothers have Linex in high school and need at home, but surely my sister would defend well using ubuntu and Linex either, say that my brother is something else ... "Grid." But my laptop is another story, in both distros and study prove media hardware, if I have time I will make a comparison, but you know that comparisons are largely subjective.
      course this does not mean I do not recommend Debian, I started and I love it, plus I've learned a lot with it, and you do not get things done, but that's the problem, every time one of my brothers do some prank on the computer lost hours, not to mention certain hardware configurations and not so new, but not yet included in Etch (or talk better and Sarge), while Linex and Ubuntu, because of its policy to facilitate life to the end user, it is assumed that do it all faster and easier (although we shall see that such). Nothing
    • , soon as you start telling little by little to the installation of Linex, ah and the majority of stuff that I detail above for Debian, in principle it brings including Linex, such as automount and supermount , reading and writing NTFS, auto's apt to do ls colors ... Some of them by default and others with a few simple steps, without much code or access to your files as. My last experience with Linex not exactly amazing, but I will tell you how it goes and I will be getting some advice.
    • Extremadura For once given first steps the rest of the world will need if you really want to walk towards progress (Words of a conviction Extremadura)