Many people have asked me to encourage them a Mac Dock like in Ubuntu (see picture), among which is lately Lineup
Install gdesklest to put it in the terminal "sudo aptitude install gdesklets You see there are many remaining Desklets beautiful and very interesting, like watches or information of CPU, RAM, etc.. Toolbar / Launcher (the only one in that category and is called
Just double click and you'll have up on the mouse, drag it where you want to put it and click to release (from there you just have to drag icons inside and added automatically.)
(This we managed to work the Toolbar / Launcher, but if not continue to restart there, just as we would with any other desklets, to appear at the beginning when we fire the machine will follow the following steps)
- Let System / Preferences / Sessions .
- At Home programs click on the button New .
- You put the name you want (I have since (gdesklets (dockbar))
- puts command Where (immediately below) write gdesklets .
- Now when you restart (or start) your computer will have the desklets we have placed (if you followed the example for the Toolbar / Launcher, or if you prefer we call Dock) in our beautiful display.
NOTE: Once you reboot, if you've done well the second part will appear in a notice Arena little icon shaped puzzles within it we can set gdesklets preferences and among them is that this little icon does not appear, although cast in desklets, I personally do not like too, ;-).