Ubuntu: compress and decompress zip rar ace We will do installation of codecs easier, faster and easy to install automatix it (stating that doing things blindly with programs like these is not among my preferences, it is a good option and it seems that this program is consistent and reliable, that is like windows, but working well .) I will quote to install automatix
http://www.guia-ubuntu.org/index.php/Automatix_y_EasyUbuntu : ############
quoted ######## #############
Automatix installation can be installed or upgraded via the APT system used by Ubuntu to easily manage all programs. To do this you must edit the file
sources.list by typing in Terminal: - $ sudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list
Add the following line at the end of the file: deb -
http://www.beerorkid.com/automatix / apt -
dapper main Save and close the file. Now we have to get the GPG key to authenticate the new repository, again from Terminal: $ wget
http://www.beerorkid.com/automatix/apt/key.gpg.asc add applications
[ In other words put in the console "sudo aptitude install Automatix2"].
To run you have available from the Ubuntu menu
Applications -> System Tools -> Automatix
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We will get a screen illegal information on the codecs installed in USA, we give
The following
screen informs us of who develops Automatix, just click
In the left menu click on
- Mark the codecs you want, I have installed the following:
- AUD-DVD Codecs
Multimedia Codec - Real Player (not a codec itself, but allows us to see the files that are in that format). We click on START. automatix Now we do work (the best in him, lol).
press NO to exit File Exit, if we open the File menu - and click on Remove Automatix Repos . The question that comes press YES . codecs already have ready to enjoy our music and movies in Ubuntu.